Understanding the Signs of Hail Damage in Indianapolis

by | Jul 3, 2014 | Home Improvement

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Most homeowners know that a hailstorm can cause a lot of damage to a roof. What some may not realize is that the damage may take a little time to be obvious. Depending on the size of the hail, the storm can cause Hail Damage in Indianapolis that can only be identified with a close inspection. Here are some examples. For more information contact Amos Exteriors Inc Indianapolis. Round Cracks in Shingles For homeowners with slate and similar types of hard shingles, the right size of hail can create a round crack that is a lot like the cracks that windshields sustain when struck with pebbled at high speeds. If the shingles have some sort of multicolored pattern to them, it may be a little difficult to notice the crack at first. Examine the areas closely for any signs of changes in the usual pattern. Rest assured that if the crack is present, then rainwater will leak down into the underlying padding and eventually into the attic.

Deep Pits

When asphalt shingles are present, it pays to look for any pitting after a hailstorm. The easiest way to identify the pitting is to run the hand over the surface of the shingles. If there are any sudden dips or pits in the surface, then press a finger against the pit. If it is somewhat spongy, chances are that it is only a matter of time before the shingle begins to leak.

The Granules are Gone

Asphalt and a few other types of shingles come with tiny granules along the surface of the material. When the storm managed to remove whole sections of the granules, this leaves the area known as the substrate exposed to the elements. Since the substrate is not strong enough to stand up to changes in the weather without some sort of protective covering, those shingles should be replaced immediately. Hail Damage in Indianapolis is not something to take lightly. Over time, those damaged shingles will allow water seepage that permanently affects the entire roof. For homeowners who suspect that their roofs may have sustained damage in a recent storm, click here to schedule an appointment. A professional can examine the roof and quickly identify if any repairs are needed.

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