For most people, acquiring possessions is a big part of their life and something that can get out of control very quickly. In order to not have your home taken over by the possessions that you are acquiring, you will need to find a quality self-storage facility to house them. There are a lot of different storage businesses out there, which means you will have to do some research in order to find the right option for yourself. For people who are new to the world of self-storage, there are many mistakes that can be made if they are not careful. Here are a few of the most common mistakes made in regards to storage in Leicestershire area.
Not Checking the Insurance
One of the biggest and most expensive mistake that can be made by a person putting their possessions in a storage unit is not checking their insurance policies to see if they are covered in the event that the possessions are damaged in storage. Most storage facilities have very concrete policies in place that exempt them from any responsibility in the event of damage to your possessions. This means that you need to make sure that your current homeowners or renters insurance covers you. By covering all of your bases in regards to your insurance, you will be able to avoid a disaster should your things get damaged in storage.
Newspaper Wrapping
Another mistake that is made by newcomers to the storage game is the wrapping of their possessions in newspaper. This will only cause you to have ink stained things once they are unwrapped, which can make them look dirty and damaged. You need to find some ink free wrapping paper in order to keep your things protected while in storage.
Label Everything
Yet another common mistake that is made by a storage new comer is not labelling their boxes as they are packing them up. This will only lead to you not being able to find things when you need them the most. By labelling all of your boxes, you will be able to keep things organised and tidy in your storage unit. Make sure that you clearly label everything that you put in to the box with black permanent marker so it will not fade over time. The better prepared that you are during the packing and moving process, the better off you will be in the end.
Pip Ewart Ltd provides perfect safe & secure storage solutions to hold your items for any amount of time in & around Leicestershire, UK. Visit them online.