You’ve been there before: your cat decides your bedroom door, cabinet or bed is the perfect spot to let loose a spray of urine and the minute you walk into the door, you smell what happened. While retraining is a concern, make sure to have your pet checked out first. This way, you rule out any diseases that could be causing this bad bathroom habit. When you get the all-clear from your veterinarian, that’s when you need to start retraining your pet again.
While this solves the cause of your problem, the rest remains: you need to find a way to remove the nasty odor from your home—and fast. Here are three tips from Humane Society on how to proceed with the pet odor removal:
1. Locating the Soiled Area. In case your pet urinated, it might be hard to locate the scene of the crime, especially if you come in through the door hours later. Let your nose guide you and lead you to the right spot. Also, don’t stop just because you found one spot. Your cat or dog could have more surprises in store for you so be vigilant. Search the entire room. That way, you won’t have to find out the next day that your shoes or closet has suffered the same fate.
2. Machine-washable Clothes. If your socks, clothes or any other article of clothing smells, make sure to add a box of baking soda to your detergent. This will help eliminate the stains as well as the smell. If a faint smell of urine still lingers in the fabric, head over to the nearest pet supply store to get a bottle of an enzymatic cleaner.
3. Carpet Cleaning. It’s an unfortunate fact of life that pets often find carpets, bed sheets, blankets and other hard-to-wash items a great place to relieve themselves. One way to deal with this misfortune is to ensure the urine is soaked up. Fresh urine is easier to remove since the smell has set into the fabric yet. However, if the urine has had hours to set, it might be time to call in the assistance of a professional pet odor removal service. With a cleaning service, you save time and energy you would’ve spent battling it out with the stinky carpets. This way, you can leave the problem in the hands of a professional, spend more time retraining your feline pal or pooch and have the peace of mind of knowing you’ll get your carpets, blankets and sheets back, sans the smell. For pet odor removal services, call us up at Spaulding Decon.
Get rid of nasty orders with a professional pet order removal service. Book our services today at Spaulding Decon.