3 Things to do When Choosing New Homes Construction in Amherst MA

by | Jul 29, 2016 | SEO Services

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According to information from various sources, sales of new homes have increased by 25% since this time last year. While the data shows that more people are paying for new homes construction in Amherst MA, buyers should be aware that the process is different from that involved in buying existing homes. By learning what to expect, buyers can prepare for the road ahead.

List the Pros and Cons

A person’s choice in homes has a lot to do with his or her lifestyle. Many new construction developments are further away from city centers, which can be a drawback for those who need to be close to work, shopping and schools. In some cases, builders offer upgrade options on landscaping and interior finishes, which can be costly. If a person can live with doing their own landscaping or not having the most pricey paints and wallpapers, they can save a significant amount on a new home.

Learn About Local Builders

The area has many builders from which a buyer can choose, and customers should click here and do their research before touring communities. It may be helpful to make a list of potential builders, and to narrow the list based on available locations and floor plans. Look at consumer review sites, check with state licensing organizations and ask previous clients about the company’s customer service and complaint resolution methods.

Carefully Read the Paperwork

It is very important to read the contract before signing, and in some instances, it may be to the customer’s advantage to hire an attorney. Feature sheets can give a customer an idea of what comes standard, and what is an optional upgrade. When choosing those upgrades, the customer must approve every change and clients should review documents carefully to ensure nothing is missing. In areas with homeowners’ associations, it is vital to read the CC&Rs carefully, so the buyer knows what should be expected from the HOA.

Having a real estate agent with new construction experience can be very helpful through this process, and it typically does not cost much. If a person decides to hire a real estate agent, they should bring them along on every tour of new homes construction in Amherst MA.

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