4 Types Of Assistive Listening Devices

by | Dec 21, 2016 | Nose and Throat

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When a person has a hearing deficiency, they may not even realize it. Hearing often goes gradually. Therefore, it is difficult for a person to tell if they are losing their hearing. When a person realizes that they have difficulty hearing, they may need to start using Assistive Listening Devices. An assisted listening device is a device that helps a person who is suffering from hearing loss or a voice, speech, or language disorder that makes communicating difficult. There are several types available to make life easier.

Alerting Devices

Since a person with hearing loss would not be able to hear their doorbell ringing, their telephone ringing, their smoke alarm, or their alarm clock, they need to find another way to recognize these alerts. There are many Assistive Listening Devices that will flash a light rather than make sounds. For alarm clocks, people with hearing loss can get a device to make the clock vibrate to wake them up.

Amplified Handsets

Talking on the phone can be difficult for a person with hearing loss. This is where an amplified handset can help. It can be used with or without a hearing aid, and it makes hearing the person on the other line much easier.

Telecommunication Device for the Deaf

If a person is completely deaf, there is still a way that they can communicate over the phone. This system allows them to speak in text rather than voice. They would have a computer to type what they want to say to the person on the other line. When the other person speaks, it will come out either on the screen, or it can be printed out on a piece of paper. It is up to the individual how they want to receive their messages. For more information on these devices, visit .

Hearing Aids

The most common assisted listening device is a hearing aid. These devices make it possible for a person with a severe hearing deficiency to be able to hear the things that are going on around them. Over the years, the hearing aid has been greatly improved. Today, they are very small and undetectable. They are also capable of helping the individual hear much better.

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