In Pennsylvania, all drivers must comply with state insurance laws. If they fail to purchase auto insurance as directed by the state, the drivers will face strict penalties. The fines associated with the total number of convictions could become excessive. The following is a review of the requirements for Auto Insurance in Hawley PA.
What are the Requirements for Insurance in Pennsylvania?
The current requirements for the state of Pennsylvania for auto insurance. All drivers must have at least $15,000 worth of coverage for each individual who is injured in an auto accident. The maximum for this coverage is $30,000 for all injuries that occur during any one accident. They must also acquire $5,000 for any property damage that happened during the accident.
Is Pennsylvania a Fault or No-Fault State and What Does This Mean?
The state of Pennsylvania is a no-fault state. This indicates that all drivers are required to file a claim through their own insurance policy after an accident. They must acquire their coverage for their own medical requirements and property damage. The accident report doesn’t typically assign blame under these circumstances. However, if a lawsuit is filed, the accident report is revisited to determine if a defendant was at fault for the victim’s injuries.
What are Insurance Premiums Based Upon?
The insurance premiums are based on the policyholder’s credit rating and driving record initially. Their age is also a factor. Any driver under the age of 25 will pay higher insurance premiums than other drivers. The automobile value can also play a role in the premium requirements. The total volume of miles that the driver travels for work every day indicates risks. These risks could increase the total value of the premiums if the auto owner travels frequently.
What is SR-22?
SR-22 isn’t an insurance policy. It is a certificate that indicates that a risky driver has purchased insurance as directed by the court. It is usually required after the driver has been convicted of a DUI.
In Pennsylvania, drivers must comply with all state laws related to auto insurance. These laws are in place to lower the risk of a lawsuit and ensure adequate coverage for auto owners. Vehicle owners who need Auto Insurance in Hawley PA visit website for more info today.
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