A cylinder is a device which is used to elevate or move materials; in many cases the cylinder is hydraulically operated. Material movement is a continuous process and can become a major problem if interrupted. With the cylinders being such a critical part of the process it is extremely important that routine maintenance and hydraulic cylinder repair be
carried out. To determine if any repair is required the cylinder is tested periodically. When the cylinder is tested there are a few points which are important, these include an evaluation of the flow rate and the cylinder pressure at the output and the speed of revolution of the hydraulic motor driving the cylinder.
Although a cylinder is a rather simple mechanical device, for it to perform the design function it must develop the pressure and flow that is required to move the material. All hydraulic cylinders repair are manufactured to a specific spec and when the cylinder is tested, any deviations from the factory ratings must be within the tolerances given. If the flow rate or pressure is below the minimum tolerance then hydraulic cylinder repair will be necessary.
Other keys to a failing cylinder are elevated oil temperature and a reduction in the rated RPM. If the hydraulic oil temperature is elevated it usually indicates that an internal component, perhaps in the oil case requires replacement and if the RPM drops it may indicate an increase in friction. All of these points are critical when testing the hydraulic cylinder as catching any problems or even determining that a problem is imminent is important in keeping the process moving.
The oil in a hydraulic cylinder, although much different than the oil used in a vehicle; must be checked in the same way. Oil levels can fall, oil can become contaminated and filters can become blocked and unusable. For these reasons hydraulic cylinder testing and if necessary, hydraulic cylinder repair is done as often as monthly or for ultra-critical applications, even every two weeks. The time period that is allowed to elapse between service, testing and possible repair will all depend on the cylinder complexity and the frequency of use as well as the importance of the cylinder in the process.
To reduce the possibility of hydraulic cylinder repair, proper testing and routine maintenance is a must.