Whether you live or work in New York, fitness and nutrition should be one of the first things that you think about when it comes to health. At The MAX Challenge, we are dedicated to the success of our participants, and committed to doing everything we can to help you achieve your goals. To this end, we offer the following suggestions as you begin your weight loss journey:
Get Clearance
Especially for those who have not worked out in a while or perhaps never even set foot in a gym, medical clearance is critical to your ability to begin a new fitness regimen. From assessing your physical strength to evaluating your genetic predispositions, consult with both a doctor and nutritionist to make sure that the steps you take are just as safe as they are smart.
Be Realistic
Are you looking to lose weight? Maybe gain muscle? How about train for a marathon? Your workout and nutrition regimen should be designed with your particular goals in mind, taking into account not just your personal objectives but whether they are pragmatic and attainable. At The MAX, we believe that anything is possible; but we also understand that some goals take time, and we focus just as much on long-term maintenance as we do short-term success.
Do What It Takes
Nobody – and no body – will change without challenge. Especially in the beginning of a new fitness and nutrition regimen, you may find that you are uncomfortable or sore; in time, your discomfort will ease and you will grow to appreciate the healthy strain of a good workout. Be honest and transparent with your weight loss team to ensure that your progress is powerful, not painful.
For questions or to get started on your tomorrow, today, we invite you to stop in to talk to the friendly professionals at The MAX Challenge. We’re ready. Are you?