What Is Microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is a skin treatment that helps improve skin tone and texture. It can be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, melasma, and acne spots. It works by using an applicator to sand away the outer layer of the skin.
How to Prepare for Microdermabrasion
Because microdermabrasion in Philadelphia, PA, is minimally invasive, there is not a lot that you will have to do to prepare for it. You will need to talk with Skincare professional in order to determine whether this procedure is right for you. Let the professional know about any medications that you are taking. Additionally, if you have allergies You’ll need to let your healthcare provider know about that.
Benefits of Microdermabrasion
Reduce Wrinkles And Fine Lines
It is possible to reduce wrinkles and fine lines without going under the knife. There was a 2006 study that examined the effects that microdermabrasion had on fine lines and wrinkles. The results of the study showed that the subjects had a decrease in their wrinkles and fine lines after they got microdermabrasion for six weeks. They also had brighter skin.
Improve Skin Tone
If you have age spots or hyperpigmentation, then you can benefit from getting microdermabrasion. A 2012 study showed that women who used microdermabrasion along with laser therapy had a major improvement in their skin tone.
Treat Acne Scars
Acne can leave behind embarrassing scars. Fortunately, microdermabrasion is great for getting rid of acne scars. Microdermabrasion can remove mild to moderate acne scars. If you have severe acne scars, then you will likely need another type of treatment.
Shrink Enlarged Pores
Microdermabrasion is not ideal for people who have an active breakout. However, this treatment is great for people who are prone to acne. Microdermabrasion in Philadelphia, PA, can shrink enlarged pores.