What is a Burial Vault?

by | Feb 11, 2015 | Business

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When selecting burial vaults, Charlotte, FL families may have some questions about their options. Understanding exactly what a burial vault is and the available choices can aid families in making the best selection for their needs.

A burial vault is used to house the actual casket and surrounds the casket on all sides. It forms a protective barrier and serves to protect the casket from the weight of the earth as well as from any heavy maintenance equipment that goes over the top of the grave. Burial vaults Charlotte, FL companies provide are also known as grave liners, grave vaults, and burial liners. They are traditionally made of concrete and offer the casket the protection it needs to safeguard it from deterioration.

Setting up a consultation

A funeral home may recommend the use of a burial vault to your family and this may be an option you will want to consider. When it comes to choosing the best for your deceased loved one’s burial site, it is helpful to explore all of the options available to you. By setting up a consultation with a funeral director, you can go over the choices you have and put a funeral plan in place that fully reflects your preferences.

Kays-Ponger Funeral Home offers a full range of funeral choices so you and your family can select the best options. Contact us by calling the location nearest you for assistance with making funeral arrangements. We look forward to serving the needs of your family. You can also visit them on Facebook.

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