Signs That Well Water Tank Repair in Toms River, NJ, Is Necessary

by | Feb 7, 2020 | Well Drilling Service

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Homes that use well water must have a pressure tank inside that the water flows through before reaching the taps. Without that water tank, the well pump would not stop running even when the taps are shut off. Eventually, water tank repair in Toms River, NJ, may become necessary. In some cases, the tank must be replaced.

Examples of Malfunctioning Tank Symptoms

Many symptoms indicate the need for water tank repair in Toms River, N,J or possible replacement. One of the more common is an unusual noise from the tank whenever the tap is turned on. This might be a knocking sound that occurs a few times after the tap is shut off again. Another common sign of a problem is leaking around the edge of the tank. The bladder has malfunctioned, failed or become waterlogged.

Household residents may first notice air in the taps when they turn the handles. The water pressure may be uneven or sluggish compared with how it normally has been. The pump may cycle on and off quickly instead of running for its usual amount of time.

Preventing Well Pump Failure

If the tank is not repaired promptly, it may stop working altogether. The well pump will likely start running continuously. This could cause it to burn out. The homeowner will have to shut off power to the pump from the circuit breaker to prevent this from happening.

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