What You Need to Know About Microfocus X-Ray Sources in Santa Cruz, CA

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In modern times, x rays are used for a number of different purposes. They are truly versatile instruments that can meet many different needs. Many organizations turn to a microfocus x ray to perform non-destructive examination. This is necessary when a focal spot of less than 100 microns is ideal. Learn more about the use of a microfocus x ray source and how you can incorporate it into your imaging needs.

In General

Microfocus radiography allows you to examine the smallest details of an object. This is done through magnified images produced from a microfocus x ray source. Where additional power is required, you can make use of a higher magnification tube with a transmission tube head. In the end, there are many different ways to get the specific type of image that you need.

A Look at the Microfocus X-Ray

If you are working with small features imaging, you will need to use the right type of tube. A micro focus x ray tube can provide you with an extremely small focal point. These units offer focal spots down to 5 microns. You can also take advantage of a 60 degree field of view. These devices make a great addition to any imaging arsenal.

More on the Benefits

Overall, there are many benefits to using microfocus x ray source technology. It is very powerful, yet economical. In addition, have the option of adjusting the focal point to meet your needs. Finally, the small size of these units makes it easy to place them anywhere in a lab setting.

For more information about your x-ray options, contact Micro X-Ray Inc. by visiting website.

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