What You Need to Know About Stem Cell Therapy in Clemson, SC

by | May 31, 2022 | Chiropractic

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Stem cell therapy in Clemson, SC, is still relatively young in the big scheme of things. What’s more, it’s still changing at a quick pace. Although doctors have utilized stem cell therapy for over 50 years, it appears to be most effective in blood cancer cases. Stem cells have only recently been proven to be uniformly efficient in rebuilding tissue following injuries or correcting the effects of normal wear and tear.

What is Stem Cell therapy?

The initial stage of stem cell therapy in Clemson SC, is to collect stem cells, which might come from the patient’s bone marrow, adipose tissue (fat), or other sources. Stem cells must then be concentrated and activated. There is a widespread myth that stem cells are altered before being transplanted. This is not just inaccurate but also unlawful. The FDA has a clear stance that only a little alteration of stem cells is permitted.

A concentrated sample of activated stem cells is implanted directly into the damage site or the region of chronic sickness where they are most required. This is effective in treating chronic and acute musculoskeletal illnesses, including arthritis and spinal injuries.

What Are the Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell treatment is a less intrusive method. Many serious problems, such as blood clots, are less prevalent. Stem cell treatment boosts your body’s natural healing abilities. Because the stem cells employed are mostly extracted from your own body. For these reasons and others, more patients are opting for stem cell therapy.

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