3 Signs It’s Time to Call a Charleston HVAC Technician for Repairs

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Although a seasonal tune-up will improve the efficiency of your heating or cooling system, mechanical failures can still occur from time to time.

When you contact a Charleston heating and air technician, as soon as you notice a problem, you’ll prevent the condition from worsening and becoming more expensive to repair. Often, recognizing an HVAC malfunction can be difficult to spot, so knowing the early warning signs of a problem is essential.

An Unexplained Rise in Energy Costs

An early sign that there’s something wrong with your HVAC system is a steady rise in your energy bill from month to month. If you install a new appliance or electronic device, it’s normal to see rising energy costs. Typically, this can indicate that something is wrong with your HVAC system, causing it to use more energy to meet your heating or cooling needs.

Ice Keeps Forming on the Evaporator Coils

The evaporator coils in your air conditioner should look clear and clean. During your seasonal tune-up, your HVAC technician will clean these coils as a part of the service. If ice forms on the coils, turn the system off until they defrost. If they freeze up repeatedly, an HVAC technician can repair them.

Treated Air Doesn’t Feel Right

If the air feels cool when you’re trying to heat your home or feels warm when using the cooling system, something is wrong with the unit. This could indicate a refrigerant leak, making it especially important to call a Charleston heating and air technician for service.

When you need a tune-up, repairs, or a new HVAC installation, contact Smoak’s Comfort Control for assistance.

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