When looking for the best over the counter diet pills in a health food store, a department store, or online there is a range of different products to consider. To make matters more complicated, all seem to be claiming they have the “magic” herbal ingredient to simply melt off fat and give a lean, toned look to the body.
These claims are not always accurate, but with just a basic understanding of the key herbal ingredients that are known to produce weight loss results, it is possible to make an informed decision as to the best over the counter diet pills.
First, and most importantly, the best over the counter diet pills are made from 100% natural herbal ingredients. They are also formulated with a combination of weight loss, appetite suppressing and fat burning herbs to create a synergistic effect. They do not rely on one or two herbal ingredients but rather a wider range to support all systems in the body while boosting the metabolism as well as energy levels.
Yerba Mate Powder
The best over the counter diet pills with Yerba Mate powder will help users to build lean muscle mass, to have greater energy and endurance, and to boost the levels of antioxidants in the body. This in turn means a more efficient system and increased fat burning potential.
While guarana is a natural form of caffeine, it is also a powerful energy-boosting ingredient in diet pills & specific eating plan. Adding this compound into the formula provides a natural appetite suppressant helping to reduce cravings while staying on a specific eating plan.
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia is extracted from a tropical fruit also known as a brindleberry or a Malabar tamarind. In South India and other Asian countries, it is also used in cooking, but the extract helps in weight loss and appetite suppression.
B Vitamins
The best over the counter diet pills will contain different complexes from the B Vitamin group. B6 is helpful for helping the body to create proteins, providing fuel for the body.
Green Tea
Green tea has long been used in Eastern countries as a metabolic booster as well as a natural fat burning enhancer. It is also used by athletes to enhance athletic performance and produces increased energy levels without jitters.
Look for top quality manufacturers based in the United States when considering the best over the counter diet pills. This ensures 100% natural ingredients and FDA-approved facilities for all supplement production by that manufacturer.