In today’s electronics industries, there are many new concepts and exciting innovations happening. In addition, there is a great deal going on in the field of semiconductors and FPGA design services are becoming more and more significant. Here is more information about the technology and why it is important today.
What is FPGA?
FPGA stands for field programmable gate array. It refers to semiconductor devices built on logic blocks which can be configured to meet certain functions and applications after they have been manufactured. FPGA is not to be confused with ASIC. ASIC means application specific integrated circuits and these circuits are custom made to perform one specific operation or task. They are not designed to be reprogrammed like FPGA.
Some FPGA design services offer circuits which can be reprogrammed only one time. However, most FPGA circuits are designed to be reprogrammed as the system changes and evolves. These are known as SRAM types.
Examining the Difference between ASIC and FPGA
One cannot interchange FPGA and ASIC circuits, because they are designed to perform different functions. However, both circuits offer exceptional benefits.
FPGA Benefits
* Un-complex design cycle – placement, timing and routing is taken care of by software.
* No manufacturing steps or layout required – this provides faster turnaround times.
* Easy to program in the field – bitstream uploading is simple and can be done remotely.
* Can be reused
* Commonly used for prototyping
* No floor planning required
FPGA Downsides
* Uses more power than ASIC
* Design size is limited
* Best used for small quantity production. Cost increases as more units are produced.
ASIC Benefits
* Smaller in size
* Can be completely customized
* Lower cost per unit
* Lower power usage than FPGA
ASIC Downsides
* Take longer to produce and get to market than FPGA
* Design tools are expensive
* Must be concerned with DFM and signal integrity issues
Uses for FPGA
FPGA design services are in demand because they are needed in so many different industries. For example:
* Automotive industry
* Aerospace
* Defense
* Consumer electronics
* Broadcasting
* Data centers
* Healthcare
* Security
* Wired and wireless communications
* Image processing
* Video
* Audio
With so many different needs for FPGA design services today, it is creating a huge market for both FPGA products and services. As technology advances, the use of FPGA circuitry is expected to increase and this is good news for the entire electronics industry. In addition, consumers stand to benefit with innovative and new products to serve them and enhance their quality of life.
When you need FPGA design services you can trust, come to Neoys
Tech. We have been providing innovative product technology to business for more than 40 years.