Is Ripe Vapes E-Juice Readily Available To Vapers?

by | Feb 23, 2016 | Business

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Not so long ago, nobody had heard of e-cigarettes, e-juice and vaping. Today, these terms may not be completely mainstream but they are certainly far from unknown. Historically, they date back to a 1963 patent applied for by the American inventor – Herbert A Gilbert – for a cigarette without tobacco whereby the smoke from burning tobacco and paper wrapper was replaced by heated, moist, flavored air.

Gilbert Failed To Set The Smoking World Alight

His invention was never commercialized. Tobacco was not widely seen as a health problem back then and (for whatever reason) he did not include nicotine in the flavoring. No one was interested in sucking on it and blowing out the result.

But One Hon Lik Did

Hon Lik (a pharmacist in China) whose father had died of lung cancer which the son thought was caused by excessive cigarette smoking. To help others avoid similar deaths, Hon Lik worked on a device that would simulate smoking but without having to burn tobacco to obtain smoke. However, he did include nicotine in his invention (which he patented in 2003). Lik worked for a Chinese pharmaceutical company which, at that time, was known as the Golden Dragon Group (Holdings). They commenced marketing the invention on the domestic market in 2004 and it quickly became a success. The company then changed its name to Ruyan (which, in Chinese characters means “Resembling smoking”) and they started exporting the products in 2005.

As the product took off in international markets, aficionados began to develop a whole set of new jargon to describe what they were doing. Since their usage devices are electronic, everything had the prefix “e” for electronic –as in the e-cig. E-cigarettes take a premixed, flavored liquid (known as an e-juice) and vaporize it so it can be drawn into the mouth and inhaled – hence the term vape to describe this action (vaping).

The Hardware

Today, there are quite a number of different devices available to turn the e-juice into the aerosol that the vapers can inhale and then blow out. However, regardless of how the juice is vaporized, the enjoyment comes from the flavor and aroma of the result.

The End Result

E-juice is predominately a carrier fluid which can be propylene glycol and/or glycerin plus water with the vital extra 5 to 10% made up of flavorings which usually include nicotine. Manufacturers pride themselves in the “satisfying” flavor of their “joose”. One such produces a range under the name of Ripe Vapes and this includes quality flavorings like coconut, apple, lime, almond and vanilla.

All the Ripe Vapes “Jooses” can be purchased online from VAPORVAPER aka Ejuicevapery; they are all available with four grades of nicotine content – zero, 3, 6 or, 12mg.

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