What to Expect After a Window Sill Replacement in Boston, MA

by | Sep 16, 2016 | Water Proofing

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While most of the window components are still in great shape, the sills are in dire need of replacement. Choosing to invest in a Sill Replacement in Boston MA will provide the homeowner with several benefits. Here are some examples of what to expect once the project is completed.

Easier to Heat and Cool the Home

Many people understand how damaged window sashes can allow more air to seep into the home and make it harder to maintain the desired temperature inside. What some may not realize is how much of a difference a rotted sill can make. Depending on how deteriorated the sill happens to be, there could be quite a bit of air seepage. Once the Sill Replacement in Boston MA is complete, the window will be tighter. Thanks to the improvement, the homeowner will find that it takes much less energy to heat and cool the home. Along with eliminating some of the stress on the central unit, the savings on the monthly utility bills will be significant.

Improved Appearance

When the sill is rotten, it doesn’t matter how much paint is applied to the surface. The wood will still bring down the overall look of the home. Once the sills are replaced, the home’s general appearance will improve noticeably. The owner will be surprised at what a difference those new sills make.

Protect the Market Value

The day will come when the owner decides to sell the property. When that time comes, making sure that everything about the place is in decent condition will pay off in the ability to command a higher asking price. Even if it is several more years before the owner chooses to move, those replacement sills will still be in excellent condition.

Take a good look at the window sills today and determine if the time has come to replace them. If so, Visit Fitzgerald Restoration Inc. today and take with a professional. After taking a look at the sills, it will be easy to go over the pros and cons of different replacement options, prepare a quote for the work, and set a date for the replacement project to begin.

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