A Brief Guide to the Varieties of Restraining Orders

by | May 21, 2018 | Attorney

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Filing a restraining order is a serious legal matter and typically only used as a last resort. If you’re in the middle of seeking a restraining order yourself, you’re likely going through one of the most terrifying and anxious moments of your life. It’s completely understandable filing a restraining order can add stress on top of stress. Here you can learn about the various types of restraining orders in Hollywood, FL, that are available to you. By being informed, you can help the process go more smoothly.

Dating Violence

You qualify for a dating violence restraining order if you have dated someone for the long term, have had sexual and romantic contact with this person throughout that period of dating and were romantically involved with the said person within a minimum span of six months.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence restraining orders in Hollywood, FL, is more specific than dating violence restraining orders. You must have fallen victim to stalking or violence inflicted by an individual who has lived or is currently living with you, provided the two of you share a child, are related to one another or were/are married.

Sexual Violence

To request a sexual violence restraining order, you must have endured any form of forced and unwanted sexual contact, as well as had the assailant legally imprisoned and due for release as of the next 90 days, as well as reported your assaulter to the legal system previously.

Repeat Violence

Repeat violence restraining orders do not require specific relationship statuses to be instated. The only criteria is the person filing must have been stalked or assaulted twice in a six month span by another individual.

Stalking Violence

Restraining orders of this variety can be enacted if you have endured harassment and relentless pursuing from another individual to the point it has disrupted your life and mental health.

To learn more about how to seek restraining orders in Hollywood, FL, contact Fischer & Feldman by visiting their website.

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