People occasionally buy an old church and convert it to living or business space. These old structures are lovely options for places such as dance studios, bookstores, and restaurants. A restaurant designer in Los Angeles can help the new owner with a floor plan that maintains the character of the building while turning it into a welcoming environment for a family restaurant, a dining establishment that specializes in ethnic cuisine, or a casual pub and grill.
A restaurant designer in Los Angeles can assist the new owner with converting the space, so it’s suitable for practically any type of cuisine. A classic Italian, German or French restaurant may be particularly appropriate in an elegant setting. An advantage with many of these buildings is that they already have a kitchen somewhere on the premises, along with lots of cabinet space. As long as this is on the main level and not in a basement, it can be upgraded for restaurant use. The owner must decide what to do about windows if stained glass windows are still in place. That may create too much of a religious atmosphere for customers to feel comfortable with. The owner may want to sell those windows and have them replaced with custom-designed ones. Another feature to consider is the flooring. Wood floors are common in old churches; the owner may want to keep the original floors for the authentic effect.
The aspiring restaurateur may want to combine a bar and dining area in the big open space, or separate these areas into two divided rooms. Depending on the size of the structure, having more than one dining room may be possible. Some old churches have one or more balconies that can be converted to dining areas or places for customers to sit and enjoy a beverage. The possibilities with these beautiful old structures make them intriguing to numerous people who envision starting a business in this type of environment. A contractor such as Orchid Construction & Facility Services is eager to help real estate owners with this type of project. Get more information on how this contractor can help building owners create the restaurant they have in mind.