An Emergency Plumber in Fort Wayne IN Repairs and Replaces Water Pressure Tanks and Components

by | Feb 4, 2016 | Plumbing

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Rural homeowners rely on a private well for their water supplies. Instead of simply turning on a faucet and having water flow out from the municipal supply, the homeowner relies on a complex system including an underground well pump, a water pressure tank, gauges and switches. The most expensive repair project involves replacing the good pump, but fortunately, pumps generally last a very long time. Other problems can be resolved by an emergency plumber in Fort Wayne IN.

If the pressure tank starts to malfunction, one possible symptom is a clunking noise after the water runs. A more troubling possible symptom is the pump starting to run frequently. That can wear the pump out. If this occurs, the homeowner should shut off the power to the pump and call a plumber to repair or replace the tank. Shutting off the power can be done by turning off the circuit breaker connected to the pump.

In some cases, a part inside or attached to the pressure tank malfunctions and must be replaced. Sometimes the entire tank must be replaced. If the bladder has gone bad, it may be possible to replace it, but it also may be more cost-effective to replace the entire tank. The tank itself will cost more than a water bladder, but the labor to replace the tank should take less time. These all are significantly less costly tasks than replacing a good pump, so the homeowner should feel a sense of relief even while having to write out a check.

If the homeowners can go without water for a day or so, they might just schedule an appointment with a plumber when the next opening is available. However, this is inconvenient and not always feasible, especially if it means having to go an entire weekend without running water. One or two people might be able to shower at a neighbor’s house, but an entire family may not have this option. Having an emergency plumber in Fort Wayne IN tackle the project quickly often is the most reasonable solution. A company such as Wheeler Mechanical Services provides emergency plumbing work at all hours of the day, any day of the week. See the website website domain for contact information.

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