At first you may think it is a ridiculous idea, every man does. But the question still remains, should you? Here, you will get that answer.
You Can Make a Good First Impression
Making a good first impression is everything these days. Whether you’re giving a presentation to a client, meeting a new boss, trying to pick up your favorite girl at the bar, the little things can go a long way.
Clean Up Your Hands
While at first glance it may seem like a terrible idea for a man to get a mani and pedi. It shouldn’t look like you killed breakfast with your own hands this morning. Because what girl, in her right mind, will let you touch her with those grizzly bear paws. She may think it’s sexy when you’re wearing flannel and jeans while swinging an axe. She will not think it’s sexy in bed.
Business Impressions are Also Important
Imagine doing a presentation, you’re in a brand new suit. Hairs done, shoes shined but as you talk your hands look as if you built a fire with a cave man last night. Now you may not think it will be that big of a deal – but when you talk, you use your hands right? Now wouldn’t it be terrible, if while your presenting, your client got distracted by your hands during the most important part of the presentation?
What does it say of your image to not have one piece of your appearance at its best? Salespeople, board members portfolio managers all have to look their best. If not what is holding your client back from going to a competitor? Because if you’re not taking care of yourself in the best way possible – how does your client know his money is being taken care of the best way possible?
So with all that said, it should come to you as a no brainer. It is very easy to get a nail manicure and pedicure in New York. It only takes a short amount of time and you will make a great impression on your friends, family and business associates. There are a number of salons in the New York City area that cater to men, and these services are very popular. More and more men are taking the leap and getting their nails done. Look your best in all situations and consider a manicure or pedicure in New York.
When looking to get a nail manicure and pedicure in New York, contact the Paul Labrecque.