Chimney Replacement Service in Severna Park MD for Old Houses and New Wood Stoves

by | Apr 6, 2017 | Chimney

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People who buy an old house may have a dream to have a new wood stove or fireplace insert installed, but they have been informed that the chimney must be replaced or lined with metal first. A contractor providing chimney replacement service in Severna Park MD can do these projects and make the home safe for the heating devices the new owners want. Chimneys that were constructed 50 or more years ago typically are masonry only with no metal lining. They have undergone deterioration over time and are no longer entirely safe for modern heating devices. This can result in carbon monoxide leaks into the building and rainwater leakage through the ceiling. Chimney leaks commonly are confused with roof leaks, leaving homeowners mystified as to where the problem actually occurs. The deterioration also can become a fire hazard.

In the case of an older chimney connected with a wood stove, the previous homeowners may not have used that stove in many years. They may have realized the need for Chimney Replacement Service in Severna Park MD and decided not to bother with it, preferring to rely solely on the furnace instead. New owners have different ideas and look forward to the warm, soothing fire ensconced in a brand new stove in the living room or family room. First, however, they must have a contractor bring the existing chimney up to code and safety standards. That may mean lining it or replacing it altogether.

Often, those old chimneys have deteriorated not only on the inside but on the exterior as well. An additional advantage of having a full replacement is the ability to enhance the look of the home with a new model. The owners might like to replace an old red brick chimney with a fieldstone version instead, for example. A new crown will be added; this is crucial for keeping birds and organic debris out of the chimney. Birds can find the enclosed space attractive for nest-building in springtime when the family has stopped using the wood stove. Contact Complete Chimneys LLC for more information on this particular organization and its services.

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