Cigar smoking is becoming de rigueur as a hobby, with smoking lounges popping up all over the country. Whether you are a novice cigar smoker just taking up the hobby or an experienced cigar aficionado, having storage for your cigars is a must. Unfortunately, not properly storing cigars can cause irreparable damage to them. Cigars are made up of tightly rolled tobacco leaves, so allowing them to dry out can cause them to crack. Ideally, cigars should be stored at least 70 degrees to maintain moisture. Therefore, choosing a humidor is very much a personal shopping experience as a humidor is reflection of its owner’s personal style. There are several different places that have humidors for sale.
When choosing a humidor, one factor to consider is the size of the Humidor you need. In order to gauge the size, you have to ask yourself about the quantity you plan to have and whether you plan to be an avid smoker or more of a collector. A wise way to measure for how large of a humidor you may need is to count the number of cigars you already have and then double that quantity. It’s always wise to plan for more than you have so that you will not run out of space and have to reinvest in another humidor.
If you know that your cigar acquisitions will not exceed 25-30, you may want to consider getting a personal or desktop humidor, which can sit on any surface and are portable. Larger humidor cabinets can hold a much larger capacity but act as more of a piece of furniture, so if you know that you will have more than 100, a cabinet is better investment. Finally, if you know that you will become an avid collector, you may wish to dedicate a room to convert into a humidor.
Another factor to consider is what kind of humidor you want. This is again entirely up to your personal taste. Humidors for sale are primarily made of wood, and some of the wood grains available are mahogany, oak, walnut, cherry, pine and maple. There are humidors available in other materials too, such as metal or acrylic. One thing all humidors for sale should have in common is what the interior is made of. Any quality humidor will be lined with Spanish cedar, which undergoes a special process to remove excess moisture and sap from it. Spanish cedar, unlike other woods is resistant to warping when exposed to humidity.
Humidors for sale come in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials. Cigar collectors who interested in getting a humidor should consider their personal preferences when purchasing one. Although humidors for sale can have a wide range of choices, there is one out there just for you.