Concrete Polishing for an Updated Space

by | Sep 1, 2017 | Flooring

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Floors are the statement of any room. They are the first thing feet touch and eyes see so they should stand out in a good way. Protecting floors can be difficult if there is a lot of traffic coming through on a daily basis. This can be a big reason why someone wouldn’t want to choose hardwood for a particular space. Re-purposing has become increasingly popular for concrete floors. It is inexpensive and concrete is durable enough to withstand tough daily use.

Why Concrete?

Concrete floors are considerably cheaper than other options such as hardwood and laminate. They are easy to maintain and look great when stained and polished. The cost of Concrete Polishing is a cost efficient way of updating your space without completely starting over. The natural cracks and tones in the concrete will be brought out, giving it a unique natural look.

Is Concrete Going to be Comfortable?

Concrete can be insulated just like any other floor. Of course, this process must be done when a new floor is going in. This is not something that can easily be done with concrete floors already in place. Rigid foam insulation and a sub-floor material will make your concrete floors energy efficient and perfectly comfortable in cooler winter months. Many people think that concrete will be slippery. The truth is, concrete floors will not be slippery as long as they are kept clean and dry. Marble and linoleum floors are actually more slippery than concrete flooring!

Can Concrete Really Look Nice?

Website and other flooring companies have perfected the art of polishing a concrete floor. Grey floors that are traditionally seen in garages is not something you have to settle for. Polishing and decorative staining with beautiful patterns and natural tones is the new face of concrete. A work of art can be created on a blank canvas. Polishing and staining concrete floors is a great solution that many people never even see as an option.

Budget Friendly Flooring:

Concrete floors are economical and Eco-friendly. Limestone is the main ingredient in concrete which is one of the Earth’s most abundant materials. They do not scratch like hardwood and they are incredibly easy to sweep up and keep clean. They do not require special soaps and cleaners which result in little maintenance. Consider getting a free estimate to see if the polished concrete flooring is something that might work for your space.

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