Details About Cases Managed By A Birth Injuries Lawyer

by | Mar 1, 2017 | Law Firms

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In Louisiana, parents can take action when their infants sustain birth-related injuries. These conditions are produced by tools used during delivery as well as errors made by the doctors themselves. These injuries could produce serious conditions that lead to life-long disabilities or disfigurements. The following are details about cases managed by a birth injuries lawyer.

Statistics for Birth-Related Injuries

According to statistics, five out of every 1,000 babies born in the United States sustain birth injuries. These conditions could leave behind scars if they are mild injuries. If they are more on the severe side of the spectrum, they could acquire serious brain injuries. These conditions include some form of palsy. These children will sustain impaired development or in some cases, they could die due to the severity of their conditions.

Holding the Doctor Accountable

Any doctor that fails to provide an adequate duty to their patient is guilty of a medical malpractice. These birth injuries cases fall under this category and provide parents with the opportunity to seek damages. When reviewing the doctor’s liability, the attorney determines how the birth defect occurred.

Defining the Medical Error

During labor and delivery, doctors who lack the required training could use vacuum assisted devices improperly. These devices are a common cause of brain injuries in infants. Additionally, if the doctor doesn’t follow proper protocol for C-sections, they could cut the infant or cause broken bones by waiting too late to make this choice. Additionally, the doctor can become liable by failing to provide emergent care after an injury is produced.

What are the Cases Started?

The parent files a claim with the infant’s medical records. These records must identify the birth injury and how it was produced. The attorney must acquire a medical witness to explain how the error occurred and how the doctor was liable.

In Louisana, parents have the legal right to file a lawsuit against any doctors that don’t provide high-quality health care. The errors in which the doctors produced can have damaging effects on the children. If they lead to a permanent disability, the doctors are required to pay punitive damages.

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