Easy DIY Storage Hacks

by | Dec 2, 2015 | Moving

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Whether you live with your family of six or by yourself, in a townhouse or a two-story home, you’ve probably come across some storage problems a time or two. No matter where we live or what kind of lifestyle we have, our things always seem to start accumulating and messing up the flow of our lives. Especially during or after a move, it may often become very necessary to seek out professional storage. Huntsville residents should rely on a professional storage facility for both short and long term storage needs. However, there are also some storage tips residents can implement at home to improve their common every day at-home storage options.

Entryway Options
The entryway or foyer often becomes the messiest place in a home. After all, many of us tend to start immediately taking off layers and emptying pockets the minute we walk through the door. The solution? Make your entry work for you! Try buying a pocket organizer and hanging it off a mounted hook. These pockets serve as great places for sunblock, dog leashes, hats, gloves, and even your keys!

In the Closet
Closets never seem to have enough storage space, especially for awkward and bulky shoes. Why not clear up the floor of your closet buy hanging up your shoes just like your sweaters? Take those tall floppy boots wreaking havoc on the closet floor and hang them up with some repurposed pants hangers. Simply add in some squares of felt between the boot and the clip to prevent leaving marks on the leather and hang them right up! You can also use this trick for baseball caps. Clip plastic shower rings onto the bottom crossbar of a coat hanger, then put the caps through the rings. You’ll be able to see all your caps at once, and they’ll take up less space.

Corral Your Tools
You can use clean paint cans in your garage or rec room to corral tools or small items. You can even use them to hold cleaning supplies in a closet. They’re indestructible and can be easily tagged with labels. Even better, you can use their handles to suspend them from under a shelf, freeing up counter space.

Invest in Bins
Cheap bins can be used virtually anywhere in the house to free up space. Slide them under a bed to get messy toys out of the way, under a coffee table to hold throw blankets, or under the sink in the bathroom to store towels and soaps.

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