What Exactly Is Smokeless Pistol Powder in Oak Harbor, WA?

by | Feb 16, 2018 | Sporting Goods Store

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There are three basic kinds of gunpowder that are used in ammunition. There is black powder, smokeless pistol powder, and smokeless rifle powder. In the past, black powder was the only kind of powder, and what is generally meant when people say gunpowder. It is what is used in muzzleloading rifles, fireworks, and traditional bullet loads. It’s common in recreation revolvers and rifles that are designed to resemble 19th century firearms. Smokeless powder is a more powerful and more modern powder that produces little or no smoke. It’s the type of powder used in most firearms made today.

Pistol Powder

Smokeless powder can be pistol powder or rifle powder. Pistol powder is a lower power powder, and it does not have as much explosive capability for the same amount of grain as a rifle powder would. If you are looking for smokeless pistol powder in Oak Harbor, WA, it can be used for pistols or for low-power rifle loads. Some rifles, such as older rifles, cannot handle the amount of explosive power in modern rifle powder. So, some people will use pistol powder in their rifle loads to create lower power loads.

You should look for a great gun shop that offers different types of powder. RBS Ammunition in Oak Harbor, WA offers several kinds of powder that you can use for your loading.

Specific Powders

There are several different kinds of smokeless pistol powder. Some of them are more effective for different types of firearms. For example, a pistol powder might yield very good accuracy for an automatic pistol but it might not be best for revolvers. A revolver, especially a powerful one like a .44, will often have a powder that is best for that specific caliber.

You should buy a pistol powder that is not only for pistols but for your specific pistols. It will yield more consistent firing and better accuracy. Browse website for more information.

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