If you own an older home, then work with an experienced electrician to find and fix electrical issues. Locating and getting these issues taken care of can help save your home because many house fires are caused by faulty electricity, such as improperly installed electrical connectors in Scranton, PA.
Missing, cracked, and broken insulation on wiring can expose bare metal. Then, when electricity tries to flow through the wires, there can be sparks where the two wires accidentally come into contact.
When insulation gets pressed against old knob-and-tube wiring, then the wiring can overheat. This can be a particular problem in attics or where the wiring runs through walls and insulation has been added later.
Like electrical connectors in Scranton, PA, exposed splices can be found throughout older homes. Often, you will find them hidden underneath the electrical tape. All splices should be soldered.
Open an old electrical circuit box, and you should see no circuits larger than 15 amps. Yet, 30 amp and 50-amp circuit breakers have been added to many old circuit boxes. Many modern appliances require thirty amps and 50 amps. Often, someone did not know better and put the larger circuit in an older box. This is especially dangerous, and it should be fixed as soon as possible.
If you find any of these problems in your older Scranton PA home, then you need to contact a professional. You never want to mess with electricity without the proper training.
Contact Quality Electric for more information.