Being trim and toned looks better than being overweight and out of shape. The larger issue is the fact that so many weight-related issues are sweeping across the world. As of 2012, there are more obesity-related health problems than there are from malnutrition. This is something that should be addressed immediately, for the sake of individual health and the health of people collectively. There are great weight loss programs in Toledo Ohio if you are looking to get your weight and health under control.
Joint And Bone Health
Being overweight puts a tremendous amount of pressure on your musculoskeletal system. At first this is nothing to seriously concern yourself with, but over time a lot of problems start to accumulate. Obese people are prone to diseases like osteoporosis, which is a degenerative bone ailment that causes you to lose bone density. Joint issues are common in overweight people. Arthritis sets in early on people with an excess body fat. Hip problems are a major concern as those who are overweight tend to get replacements 20 years earlier than average. Spine-health is also greatly affected, as being overweight puts pressure on your spinal discs and vertebrae.
Cardiovascular And Respiratory Health
The cardiovascular and respiratory systems are what is most affected by obesity. Overweight individuals are at a higher risk for high blood pressure (hypertension), heart attack, aneurysm, stroke and sleep apnea. If you are having any of these issues, you should look for weight loss programs in Toledo Ohio. Hypertension is when your heart pumps harder and puts more force against your artery walls. Over time, hypertension causes a thickening or weakening of your arteries, which could eventually lead to heart attack, aneurysm, or stroke. This is why high blood pressure should never be ignored. The most common respiratory issue associated with obesity is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a disruption of your breathing pattern caused by excess fat built up around the throat. People with severe cases of sleep apnea will stop breathing for short periods of time as they slumber. This often results in chronic fatigue.
Business Name understands the health complications that are born of obesity. If you are looking for a weight loss programs in Toledo Ohio, now is a fantastic time to get your health in check. It is not just about looking good, but living a long and fulfilling life.