It may be necessary for homes or businesses to have a lift station installed for proper sewage flow. This type of facility is often used when the lay of the land doesn’t allow the septic system to work properly. If you need to contact a company to install a Sewer Lift Station, read the frequently asked questions below to learn more information.
Q.) How do lift stations work and why are they needed?
A.) Lift stations are needed in areas where the elevation of the ground prevents the waste water and sewage from flowing properly. In these instances, if a lift station isn’t installed, the cost for a sewer system is astronomical because of the extra amount of excavation that’s needed to dig the sewer line. The components of a lift station include a wet well, a lift pump, pipes and a junction box with a control panel. The waste water and sewage from the home run through pipes and enters the wet well. When the contents of the wet well reach a certain level, the pump automatically turns on and pumps the sewage up the slope until it reaches its stopping point.
Q.) Is there is any type of maintenance required after lift stations are installed?
A.) Since lift stations are constantly working to manage proper waste water flow, they do need regular maintenance so they’ll operate smoothly for as long as possible. Individuals who have a lift station should contact a company that specializes in Sewer Lift Station maintenance to clean and pump out the wet well on a regular basis. The surface area of a wet well collects buildup and to keep the system from becoming damaged, this buildup must be removed. During a lift station maintenance check, a technician will also inspect the pump, check valves and floats to ensure they’re functioning correctly. The electrical system that runs the lift station must also be examined and checked for loose connections or faulty wires.
If your home or business requires a lift station for your sewage system, contact a professional plumber at All Pro Plumbing. This experienced company also provides other plumbing and septic services including septic tank cleaning, drain field installation, hydro-jet drain cleaning, and leak detection. You can also follow them on Twitter for more information.