When it comes to heating a home in the fall or winter, it is amazing how efficient heating systems can be when they all operate on such simple premises. However, no heating system is as simple as a geothermal heat pump in Reno. The fact is that when providing heat for a home, a geothermal unit is one of the most simple yet ingenious ways of heating a home when the weather turns cold.
A geothermal heat pump works on a simple principle. This principle is to harness the heat stored underground and amplify that heat to produce heat for a home. How these systems work is they use a number of pipes that go far enough underground where the ground is warm. Regardless of how cold it can get in Reno – and it can get quite chilly – just a few feet below the surface, ground temperatures can range between 55 to 60 degrees.
With a geothermal pipe loop, which circulates water, this water captures the warmth underground. This water then flows back to a heat pump where the warmth is made hotter by simple compression. Then this heat is used to warm a home and even to provide hot water.
The benefits to a geothermal heat pump in Reno is it can be used for cooling as well. In addition, it is roughly about 80% more efficient than an average forced air or standard heat pump system. However, if a person is considering this system, it’s important to find a heating and cooling service that is familiar with a geothermal heat pump.
The reason for having an HVAC company who understands this system is because they will be helpful when installing a new system. In addition, if the system needs to be maintained or repaired, a knowledgeable HVAC service can handle any issues a homeowner is having with their geothermal system.
If you’re looking for a new, effective and efficient heating and cooling system, a geothermal unit is a great option. In addition, it’s important to find a service that can handle any maintenance issue that might arise when owning this heating and cooling unit. That’s why if you’re looking for a new geothermal unit or you’re looking for a service to help maintain or repair your heating and cooling system, whatever type it happens to be, you should Contact us.