Get a Sparkling Smile with Teeth Whitening

by | Nov 16, 2015 | Dental Health

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Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you.  Having a white smile is important if you want an attractive, youthful appearance.  Whether you’re in a casual or professional situation, you want others to see the best version of yourself.  Gone are the days of sparkling, white teeth being only for celebrities.  Yellow teeth age you and appear unhealthy. A white smile is for everyone.

Why Do Teeth Yellow?

Certain foods, like wine and coffee, yellow teeth more quickly than others.  Of course, smoking yellows teeth, too.  You might be willing to give up these things in order to slow yellowing, but aging, and even your genetic makeup, will cause your teeth to yellow, too.  At some point in life, we will all look in the mirror and realise that our smiles aren’t as bright as they once were.  When you get to the point that you are unhappy with the whiteness of your teeth, it’s time to consider how to best whiten your teeth.

What Are My Options?

Many people turn to whitening toothpastes.  Unfortunately, toothpastes can only whiten teeth so much.  There are other options available in your local mouth-care aisle, but they are only mildly effective.  None of these options last very long.  Your dentist’s office has longer-lasting treatments that are safe and very effective.

Why Go to My Dentist?

You might think that going to your dentist to have your teeth whitened is a bit extreme.  On the contrary, getting your teeth whitened at your dentist’s office is the best option.  The stigma of professional tooth whitening is a long, uncomfortable process. This couldn’t be further from reality.  Many tooth-whitening procedures require three 20-minute sessions with results after the very first session. Often, a hydrogen peroxide gel is applied to the teeth and the patient then sits under a gentle blue light.  Patients report feeling little to no tooth discomfort during and after the treatment.

Which Dentist Should I Choose?

Make sure that the product your dentist uses is certified by the American Dental Association.  There are many different treatments available, but the ones that are approved by the ADA have been proven to be safe and effective.  If your regular dentist doesn’t offer these products, consider finding a cosmetic dentist who does.  Also, find a dentist who offers before and after photos of your new, sparkling smile.  You’ll be amazed at how much younger and more appealing your smile will appear after you have an ADA-approved tooth whitening procedure.

If you’re interested in professional teeth whitening, contact the team at Hills Dental Care in Sydney. Learn more at website.

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