Peripheral neuropathy is a disease of the nervous system. In the majority of cases, the disease affects people over 65 and diabetics. The attack is most often sensitive: paresthesia, numbness, discharge, tingling, etc. This article reviews the different types of peripheral neuropathies, their characteristics, the diagnosis, and the proposed form of Neuropathy Treatment in Bolingbrook IL.
Peripheral neuropathy, what is it?
Peripheral neuropathy is a disease of the peripheral nerves. A nerve is peripheral as opposed to the central nervous system which includes the brain (brain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata) and the spinal cord. The peripheral nerve is a nerve root that is derived from the marrow (anterior horn of the gray matter) and one or more nerve trunks or the nerves themselves. Peripheral neuropathies include all disorders of the peripheral nerves, which can be isolated or diffuse, truncal (nerves) or root, whether symmetrical or not.
Signs of peripheral neuropathy
A nerve root emerges from the marrow and divides into several nerves. A nerve is schematically comprised of several nerve fibers that are surrounded in a myelin sheath:
- Motor fibers that go to the muscles
- Sensory fibers that trace sensory information back to the nerve centers
- Sensory fibers that form a reflex arc with motor fiber
- Fibers of the neuro-vegetative system
The impact of a nerve will, therefore, result in:
- Motor disorders: paresis or paralysis
- Subjective sensory diseases (pain, paresthesia) and objectives (hypoesthesia, anesthesia, etc.)
- Destruction of osteotendinous reflexes
- Neurovegetative disorders
Understanding nerve issues
When a nerve is affected by a pathological process, it is a truncal lesion. When a root is touched, it is a root problem. When the nerve damage is symmetrical, it can be truncular, bilateral, and predominantly distal (at the extremities of the limbs). This is better known as polyneuritis.
When the truncular (near the trunk) problem is long but not symmetrical in its makeup nor the structure of a sensitive-motor deficit, people should seek Neuropathy Treatment in Bolingbrook IL as quickly as possible. When extended and balanced involvement is radicular and truncal, it is a polyradiculoneuropathy. When only one peripheral nerve is reached, it is called mononeuritis.
When to see a podiatrist?
In general, it is advisable to consult this specialist as soon as you feel a foot pain, whether it is at the heel, the sole of the foot, the toes or the ankle. Contact Suburban Foot & Ankle Associates for more details.