The time to think about a heating repair service isn’t when the first chill of winter is felt, and certainly not after it’s snowing. Each season, homeowners have to deal with heating problems in one form or another. How serious these problems can get depends a lot upon whether or not the heating system has been kept under proper maintenance and repair.
Services for Heating Repair Greeley CO residents depend upon entails more than just coming out when the heater’s gone on the blink. The smart homeowner always plans for the coming season but especially winter, when temperatures can dip down to dangerously frigid levels. The last thing anyone needs is to freeze inside their own home. So, prior to even the first autumn leaves falling to the ground, it makes sense to have a service technician out to give the furnace and central air system a thorough going-over to spot small problems which might be developing.
As is the case with the air conditioning, thermostat control is vital for running the heating system properly. Without a properly working sensor, the thermostat either cannot trigger the heating cycle or causes it to act erratically. So a circuitry check of both the thermostat and the electronic controls for the heating system are in order to ensure their proper functioning and to spot defects in their beginning stages.
One danger of an improperly maintained heating system is fire. A faulty heating element, or a broken gas valve, or a malfunctioning trigger for the pilot light, can spell possibly lethal trouble. Although central heating is far more reliable than wood stoves, fireplaces or space heaters from a safety standpoint, these too are a potential source of danger. If the gas feed lines have deteriorated, or the wiring has worn out and lost insulation, fire could result from a gas leak, or a short-circuit, or sometimes from both causes. Central heating system fires accounted for $19 million in property damage and three deaths in a four year period, according to reports from U.S. fire departments. This more than any other hazard is good enough reason to plan for and adhere to a fixed schedule for central heating maintenance and repair at least once a year.
Advanced Comfort offers full-service heating repair in Greeley, CO homeowners and property managers can rely upon to keep heating systems properly maintained and in good repair. Call now for more information.