How a Homeowner Can Avoid Frozen Pipe Repair in Charleston SC

by | Jun 4, 2016 | HVAC Contractor

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The cold weather that comes during the winter months can be very damaging to a home. A homeowner will have to take the time to make sure that their residence has the proper safeguards in place to protect against the blistering cold of winter. Among the most harmful repair issues that can arise during this time of year are frozen pipes. If the water in a pipe freezes up, a homeowner may have a big mess to clean up when the ice thaws out. Below are some of the things a homeowner can do when trying to avoid Frozen Pipe Repair in Charleston SC.

Open Up the Cabinets

When trying to keep the indoor pipes in a home from freezing up, a homeowner will need to open up their cabinets to let the warm air in. If the cabinets that house the pipes remain closed during a freeze, there is a chance that they will ice over and cause a lot of problems. A homeowner will also need to let the water faucets in their home drip overnight in order to avoid freezing pipes. By taking these types of preventative measures, a homeowner will be able to keep their pipes protected from freezing temperatures.

Take Advantage of Pipe Insulation

The next thing that a homeowner will need to consider when attempting to protect their plumbing pipes is getting some insulation for them. There are a number of different types of pipe insulation on the market, which means a homeowner will have to do a bit of homework in order to find the right options for their needs. If a homeowner is unsure about what to get and how to install the insulation, they will need to call in the professionals to help. A plumber will be able to get this type of work done the right way, which means the pipes in a home will be fully protected from the cold.

The money that is spent to prevent Frozen Pipe Repair in Charleston SC is well worth it. Choosing the team at Preferred Home Services for this type of work is a homeowner’s best bet. The team at Preferred will be able to inform a homeowner about the dangers of frozen pipes and help them come up with the right solutions to fit their needs. Visit our Google+ page for more information.

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