Communities across the United States benefit from youth programs. The success of most of these programs is due to the professional development for youth workers that provides a framework for developing these programs and providing the needed services.
At YIPA, we provide professional development for youth workers in short, easy to watch on-demand videos and live online webinars. These highly impactful trainings are typically one to two hours, and the on-demand programs can be watched at your convenience and with your specific youth program in mind.
- However, there are more options offering professional development for youth workers that will be helpful in not only setting up programs in the community but explaining how they help. A few ways that youth programs, when effectively managed and operated, help a community include:
- Support for at-risk youth – early identification of at-risk youth allows for more effective interventions and support for the youth, family, and the community.
- Social opportunities – many youth have difficulties in finding activities and events in their community that foster positive social interactions with peers. In addition, the youth workers provide one-on-one support for kids and teens that may find this challenging.
- Support – many kids feel a lack of support in their family and community. With youth programs in place, kids can look to youth workers as a resource in times of challenge or difficulties.
- Skill building – youth programs often focus on building skills such as communication, conflict resolution, friendship skills, and even on respecting diversity in the community.
For more information on YIPA programs and training opportunities, connect with us today.