How Pediatric NINJA Programs for AKI Prevention Can Help Your Patients

by | Sep 26, 2023 | Software

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In recent years, the management and timely identification of Pediatric acute kidney injury (AKI) has significantly evolved. Earlier, the diagnosis of this severe health condition in real-time was a challenge, hindering the timely intervention that could potentially save lives. Now, advancements have been made in developing systems that can effectively identify, monitor, and assist pediatric patients who are at risk of AKI, through the integration of Pediatric NINJA Programs for AKI Prevention.

The Nephrotoxic Injury Negated by Just-in-time Action, acronymed as NINJA, facilitates the real-time tracking and identification of patients at risk of AKI, particularly those exposed to nephrotoxic drugs. This initiative has replaced the manual procedures of patient screening and assessment with an automated system capable of detecting exposure to a wide array of nephrotoxic medications, recent kidney tests, and imaging contrast dyes.

Key Advantages of the NINJA Program
Incorporating a Pediatric NINJA Program for AKI Prevention can offer a range of benefits including:

  • The earliest possible identification of intervention opportunities in real-time.
  • Customizable and automated data extraction covering various metric elements, such as inpatient census based on service lines or locations.
  • A robust platform that facilitates inter-site benchmarking data sharing.
  • Tailored metric outputs corresponding to different time periods and service lines.
  • Automated run charts illustrating trend conditions over a span of time.
  • Paving the way for potential interventional studies.
  • Compatibility with major electronic health record (EHR) systems, fostering seamless integration.
  • A reduction in IT costs and time required for the deployment of alternative or manual monitoring systems.

The program utilizes specialized algorithms to pinpoint patients matching the established exposure and risk criteria, inclusive of their AKI history, medication exposure, and serum creatinine data. Individuals identified as at-risk are placed on a real-time monitoring list, where they remain until 48 hours post the cessation of their identified risk.

Seek Further Information on Pediatric NINJA Programs for AKI Prevention
To gather more details regarding Pediatric NINJA Programs for AKI Prevention solutions, interested parties are encouraged to contact experienced providers.

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