A battle for custody of a child or the children is stressful at the best of times. All the parties involved feel it, including the potential guardian as well as the child or children involved. A good part of the fight is having a good NY custody lawyer, but there is more to it than just having a good lawyer. It is extremely important that the individual seeking custody takes the initiative, making a good case for them being awarded custodial rights. A successful custody fight demands an optimal outcome as well as working to solve any disputes without harm to those whose welfare is at stake.
The first major part of the battle is to have a good NY custody lawyer. If the dispute between parties should get out of hand and end up in court, it is very important to have the best possible legal assistance. Certainly the lawyer that you choose will have something to do with one’s personal financial resources but it cannot be stressed enough that the lawyer must be knowledgeable on the family law and associated matters.
Perhaps even more important than having the best lawyer is personal initiative. In a custody fight, the facts speak for themselves when they are committed to record. The key to success in a custody case is documentation.
It is extremely important that how one is involved in raising the child. Involvement in the daily life of the child and dedication to the welfare of the child can be fully documented. It is important that the time that is spent with the child is accurately recorded along with the activity that was being pursued at the time. When one is involved in the child’s education, being active with the PTA, assisting with extracurricular activities, etc it shows the individuals parenting skills in a very positive light. Keeping a list of those who are witness to your involvement with the child is also a good idea.
Keeping a list of what you do is one thing, keeping a list of all the ways the other party involved in the dispute fails in his or her custodial duties is something else altogether. Your NY custody lawyer will advise you to keep a running commentary on any illegal drug use; criminal convictions or any other unsavory action. Even a lack of involvement with the child due to a hectic work schedule can throw the other party into a bad light. You do not want to be seen as being malicious or vindictive when you present the facts you have been recording; you simply want to present the situation objectively.