How To Program And Troubleshoot Garage Door Openers In Phoenix, AZ

by | Oct 13, 2016 | Garage Door Supplier

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In Arizona, property owners need an effective garage door opener to control the door. If they don’t program the opener correctly, it malfunctions, and the door will not open properly. These failures lead to door damage and present the property owner with additional risks. The following is steps for programming and troubleshooting Garage Door Openers Phoenix AZ.

How Do Property Owners Program the Model OKP-BX Door Opener?

The property owner holds down the program button and waits for the blue lights to engage before releasing the button. Next, they press this button again and wait for a purple light to blink. Next, they punch in the PIN number assigned to their garage door. Then they press the up and down button twice until the lights disengage. Next, they push any button to stop the door from moving.

How Do Property Owners Program the Model OWK-BX Door Opener?

They begin by testing the door opener. They type in their PIN number and push the up and down button. If this doesn’t work, they push the program button and hold it down. Next, they push the six button and hold it, too. Next, they push the up and down button to reset the opener. Next, they enter 357 and push the program button. A red light should blink. They type in a new PIN number for their door opener and then push the program button again.

How to Program the Door Opener for More Than One Door?

The property owner types in their PIN number and pushes the program number twice. Next, they type in the number of garage doors they need to control and push the program button again.

How Do Property Owners Troubleshoot the Door Opener?

If the red light on the remote blinks continuously, they will typed in the incorrect PIN number. If the light doesn’t blink at all, they need to replace the battery. If battery replacement doesn’t correct the problem, they need a new opener.

In Arizona, property owners follow specific steps to program their garage door openers. These steps vary among models. They can also follow simple steps to troubleshoot the device and avoid common issues. Homeowners who need help or to purchase Garage Door Openers Phoenix AZ contact Neighborhood Garage Door Service or Visit the website today.

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