How To Wash Hair In Wheelchair

by | Aug 19, 2015 | Business

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When someone needs to be in a wheelchair most of the time, things that were once simple, everyday tasks can become monumentally more difficult. This includes necessary things like showering or washing the hair. When you or someone you know needs to wash their hair in a wheelchair, it does not have to be too complicated of a process. Having their hair washed is something that many wheelchair patients find relaxing and soothing. Owning the right equipment and knowing the proper specifications for this equipment and the person it will be used for are two things that are vital for being able to safely and comfortably wash the hair of someone in a wheelchair.

What Are Some Ways To Wash Hair In A Wheelchair?

There are a few different ways to wash hair in a wheelchair. Consider what will make the wheelchair patient most comfortable and what will cause the least amount of difficulties and messiness.

* Shower Chair – This is one of the easiest ways to get a wheelchair patient clean. It is something that is similar to a wheelchair, but has a seat like that of a toilet. It is made of plastic and designed to be wheeled into the shower, so the patient can be given a shower without much difficulty or discomfort.

* Using A Sink – If the sink is low enough and the patient’s wheelchair can recline, one way to wash their hair in the wheelchair is to recline their head and neck back over the sink and shampoo and rinse the hair that way.

* Dry Shampoo – If the patient’s condition or the design of the wheelchair makes it impossible to recline their head over the sink, but their hair really needs to be cleaned, you can use dry shampoo. Just spray it into their hair, where it will absorb any excess oil.

* Portable Shampoo Bowl – This innovative new design for wheelchair patient care makes it easier for caregivers and nurses to wash hair in a wheelchair with a minimum amount of complication and discomfort. The caregiver or nurse can easily wash and shampoo the hair of wheelchair patients without getting water everywhere or causing the patient to have a sore neck from reclining back over a sink.

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