Identifying Differences In Drunk Driving Charges With A DWI Lawyer In Cambridge, MD

by | May 20, 2015 | Law Firms

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In the state of Maryland, drivers could incur two separate drunk-driving charges. The standard DUI charge for the state indicates that the driver has a blood-alcohol content reading of 0.08 percent. However, drivers in Maryland could acquire a DWI charge for a reduced reading. The blood-alcohol content reading for a DWI is 0.07 percent.

What is the Difference?

The standard DUI charges throughout the U.S. require a 0.08 percent reading. In Maryland, this is the more severe of the two potential driving infractions. The punishment for a conviction is a driver’s license revocation for one year, fines up to $1,000, and twelve points added to the driving record.

The lesser DWI charge incurs penalties of eight points added to the driving record and a fine of $500. The state initiated the reduced charge to combat the frequency of drunk driving. Drivers who are facing these charges should contact a DWI lawyer in Cambridge, MD immediately.

Examining Implied Consent

All drivers are subject to the implied consent ruling. This indicates that the driver offers consent to chemical testing if they choose to drive while intoxicated. However, the officer can arrest the driver if they fail any field sobriety tests.

Refusal to Submit to Testing

Refusing to submit to chemical testing results in an immediate driver’s license suspension. The arresting officer has the right to confiscate your license at the moment of your arrest. The law states that you have a right to request an attorney before testing. To avoid an immediate suspension due to a refusal, you must submit to chemical testing after speaking to your attorney.

Imposing Chemical Testing

Select county jails impose chemical or blood testing upon anyone accused of DUI or DWI. When this happens, you should insist that they acquire a sample for your attorney to test. This could prove that the initial test was inaccurate or false.

In DUI or DWI cases, a conviction depends on a clear blood-alcohol content reading. Every breathalyzer must undergo evaluation each year. If your DWI lawyer in Cambridge, MD determines that the device wasn’t testing, your charges could be dismissed. To learn more about DWI or DUI defenses visit the website.

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