Inconel alloys are a fantastic metal for a number of important uses. In order to fully understand what this type of metal is, it’s first necessary to explain what it is and why it is good for certain applications. Here are a few basic facts on Inconel alloys and what makes the Inconel 718 bar a remarkable metal.
Basic Facts and Composition
What makes Inconel alloys a superior product to many other metals is that it has a high resistance to corrosive elements and oxidation. This makes it perfect for environments where there is constant or consistent exposure to pressure and heat. Before getting into the uses, it is important to discuss what makes it highly resistant to certain elements. In order to do this, it is necessary to explain what the Inconel 718 bar and other Inconel metals are made out of. There are different types of Inconel alloys, such as 690, X750, and of course 718. The thing that they have in common is they are primarily made out of nickel and chromium. There are also other metals that are present in various types of Inconel alloys. These include iron, molybdenum, niobium, cobalt, manganese, copper, aluminum, titanium, silicon, carbon, sulfur, boron and phosphorus. The combination of these metals is what makes Inconel great for uses where there are high temperatures. When the metal is heated an oxide layer is formed which is remarkably strong, stable, and thick.
Lastly, there are a few different forms for this metal. It can come in flat or round bars, as well as, wire, billets, sheets, rods, and plates.
Inconel alloys have many fantastic uses. As mentioned above, it is typically used in environments where there is extreme heat. Some of the more common uses are in pressure and steam generators, chemical processors, and nuclear reactor pressure water tanks. Some other, less common uses are in vehicle exhaust systems, firearms, and natural gas processing plants. Clearly all of these uses are in locations with either extreme heat, high pressure, or both. More recently Inconel alloys have been used in the space industry, the aerospace industry, and in some newer model electric cars.
There is no doubt that the uses of Inconel 718 bars and other Inconel alloys will continue to grow. It’s an absolutely fantastic metal which has led to advances in industries it’s utilized in. In fact, there has been a marked growth in auto and drag racing sports, because it simply holds up better than other metals. When incorporated in this fashion it’s generally a part of the vehicle’s exhaust system, where heat and pressure are intense.