Luxury Boarding – Most suitable option for doggy day care

by | Oct 13, 2017 | Pet Care

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Fanwood pets are pampered pets, as they should be. Luxury boarding for dogs does not cost much more than traditional kennels, while offering a much higher standard of service. Pet owners in Fanwood are starting to realize that luxury boarding for dogs is the most suitable option.

For doggy day care and longer term boarding, luxury boarding options like K9 offer cage-free rooming options that are perfect for households with more than one dog. Luxury boarding for dogs also includes high quality dog food, ample space and opportunities for dogs to relieve themselves, and most importantly, lots of playtime. Playtime is both structured and unstructured, and can take place indoors or out, with humans or just with other dogs.

When people first see luxury boarding facilities for dogs, they are often amazed at the level of comfort and cleanliness. The staff at luxury boarding facilities in Fanwood genuinely cares about customer service, and is fully trained in all aspects of doggy day care and luxury boarding for dogs. For example, when you take your pets into a luxury boarding facility like K9, you will be asked a series of questions about your dog’s vaccinations. You can bring your dog’s favorite toys or food. A luxury boarding facility will make absolutely sure that all dogs have been screened and are healthy, as well as pro-social.

For doggy day care, too, luxury boarding is the best. Dogs do not like being alone, and some of them can cause problems for you while you are at work. Some breeds simply experience separation anxiety more than others and could be disturbing your neighbors with barking or are damaging your home while you are away. If you go with luxury boarding for dogs in Fanwood, you and your dog will enjoy peace of mind.

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