Metal Plating Services: A Growing And Vibrant Sector

by | Nov 7, 2015 | Business

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While there is more than one method of plating a component, electroplating and electroless plating comprise a major sector of metal plating services. This is a sector that has continued to grow over the past five years. Statistics indicate that by 2020, its contribution to the American economy will continue to increase at the rate of 3.5% annually. It is defined by experts as a mature industry that is relatively stable.

Industries and Metal Plating Services

Metal plating services can include both electroless and electrodeposition plating. These are companies that are defined by the work they perform. They all work on metals of various types to alter such things as appearance, surface, chemical and physical properties. This is accomplished by treatments that include application of a coating and even engraving. Overall, metal plating services involving metals, metal components and products – ferrous and non-ferrous; precious and base include:

* Heat treating

* Enameling

* Lacquering

* Varnishing

* Hot dip galvanizing

* Engraving

* Chasing

* Etching

* Powder coating

* Electroplating and electroless plating

* Electropolishing

* Anodizing

* Coloring

* Finishing

These are provided for a many industries.

Basic Reasons for Metal Plating Services

Industrial uses of metal plating services, including electroplating and electroless plating, are simple. The application of a surface layer of one metal on a base or substrate of another improves, enhances or contributes to the natural qualities of the substrate. The actual results from plating one metal over another will vary in specifics, but generally the intended results are very similar no matter what metal is used. In general, the industries want the following characteristics to be exhibited in the plated result:

* Enhanced or improved resistance to corrosion

* An increase solderability

* Enhanced or improved endurance or durability

* Reduced friction

* Conductivity

* Increased magnetism

* Enhanced paint adhesion

The overall appearance of the plated component or object may also be sought by the client, but it pales in most applications when compared to the other desired and very practical or functional results. If function is foremost, metal plating services may employ such metals as zinc, chromium or nickel as the coating or plating to cover the surface. If the intent is to improve the appearance, the plating may be of gold, silver or even brass. Overall, the most common metals employed include nickel as well zinc and chrome. They are successful in protecting against corrosion, wear and abrasion.

Metal Plating Services

Metal plating can be performed using almost any type of metal. Gold may be picked for its high resistance and appearance while nickel is chosen in electroless bonding and for the finishing of many common household items. The almost boundless uses in which metal plating services are employed – from art to vehicles, seems to verify that this is truly an industry that has a prosperous future.

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