There are a variety of reasons that people participate in sports related activities or events. Some do it for their love of the sport, while others admire the beauty of the competition. There are many people that depend on a life of physical activity to help maintain a healthy lifestyle and people of all ages are incredibly active in organized sports. The decision to lead a physically active lifestyle can help to greatly reduce the risk of heart disease, premature death, hypertension, diabetes and numerous of other medical conditions associated with the lack of a healthy lifestyle. Regardless of the reason, sports related injuries can occur at any time and vary in degree of pain. A sports injury pain doctor is the primary type of physician to help individuals deal with these types of injuries.
The term sports injury is one that is generally used to describe any injury obtained during participation in a sports activity. One of the most common types of injuries to occur during sports activities is a skeletal muscle injury. The sports injuries that are mentioned or most or most often heard of are sprains, knee injuries or strains but they can really effect almost any limb or area of the body. Swollen muscles, rotator cuff injuries, Achilles tendon injuries, fractures, shin splints and dislocations always make the list of almost any sports season in regards to common injuries.
Sports related injuries can be categorized as either chronic or acute in terms of depth or degree of damage. Sprains, fractures and slight swelling typically categorize those that are acute and are often accompanied with soreness, sudden spurts of sprain, difficult putting pressure or weight on the area or a visual observation of a fractured or dislocated bone. Chronic injuries usually happen when there is an abundance of use in a part of the body when participating in a certain sport. Indicators that an injury may be chronic include pain during the activity, swelling and a blunt ache even when the area isn’t in use.
A sports injury pain doctor is familiar with all of these types of injuries and is trained to identify the cause and best treatment for the pained area. It is imperative to seek medical attention immediately when a sports injury has occurred in order to avoid causing more damage to the area. Once a diagnosis has been made and treatment begins, the pain should begin to lessen over time. The main priority is to treat the symptoms and relieve the body of the pain to reduce the risk of leading to a more serious injury that could prevent the patient from engaging in physical activities or sports in the future.
A Sports Injury Pain Doctor is professionally trained to manage pain associated with sports related injuries. Medwin Family Medicine & Rehab values high quality care during pain management for patients.