After purchasing an automobile, individuals must carry auto insurance so they can legally drive their vehicle. Many vehicle owners also choose to have additional coverage on their vehicle, even though it’s not required by law. Before talking to an agent at an Auto Insurance Company, individuals can read the commonly asked questions below to learn more about the different types of insurance that’s available for vehicle owners.
What kind of auto insurance must vehicle owners carry by law?
The laws of every state require that vehicle owners carry liability insurance on every automobile they own. This kind of auto insurance protects people who are injured or have vehicle damage due to the fault of another driver. The liability insurance of the person who caused an accident covers the injuries and vehicle damage of the other parties who were involved in the incident This type of insurance is required by law because it protects individuals who are in an accident through no fault of their own.
What are other types of auto insurance that vehicle owners can purchase?
Vehicle owners often purchase additional insurance policies that will pay for any damages to their own automobile after an accident. This type of coverage is called collision insurance and when an individual is making payments on their vehicle to a lender, this type of insurance is usually required. Comprehensive is another type of insurance that’s normally required by the lending company. This kind of insurance coverage pays for vehicle damage that wasn’t caused by an accident with another vehicle, such as theft, vandalism, fire or weather related incidents. When purchasing collision or comprehensive insurance, individuals must decide how much they want as their deductible. A deductible is the amount of money that an individual must pay before the insurance pays the remaining balance of the vehicle damage. Individuals should speak with an Auto Insurance Company agent about the various deductible amounts that are available.
For affordable auto insurance that’s tailored to fit your needs, contact Schlather Insurance Agency, Inc. In addition to auto coverage, this experienced company provides their customers with various types of insurance including personal, life, health and business policies.