Regular Dental Care: What to Expect

by | Jun 28, 2016 | Dentistry

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Toothaches can be debilitating. They won’t let you sleep or eat, nor will they leave you in peace or comfort. However, before the situation actually comes to that point, you would have already experienced the signs. There would have been a lot of signals, such as greater tooth sensitivity or tenderness in the gums. That’s one of the reasons why visiting your orthodontist on a regular basis is a smart idea.

Visits to the Dentist

Regular visits to your orthodontist are crucial to keeping your teeth healthy. These visits usually entail two things: checkup and cleaning. With the checkup, your orthodontist will check your teeth for any signs of plaque or tartar buildup, says Dental Care.

Plaque Removal

Plaque is the sticky layer on your teeth. It’s bacteria, which turns into tartar if it’s not removed from your teeth. This could lead to oral diseases, so it’s best to eliminate them as soon as possible. While flossing and brushing your teeth could remove some of them, you likely won’t get all of the plaque off. That’s where your dentist comes in. With special tools designed to take care of the problem, you won’t have to worry about plaque buildup and tartar any longer.


Your dentist will then check your gums for any signs of swollenness or tenderness. There’s a tool that measures distances between teeth and gums. Healthy gums are shallow while those with gum diseases show much greater distances. Your tongue and throat, along with your face and neck, even your head, will need to be checked as well for any signs of swelling, diseases, problems, or cancer.


When the checkup is done, then your dentist will clean your teeth thoroughly using special tools to ensure zero plaque and tartar buildup. Afterwards, you should keep your teeth healthy. Opt for Westside Dental Center Plantation dental assistance if you want to get better, stronger teeth.

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