Sheet Metal Thread-Forming Screws

by | Mar 8, 2023 | Manufacturer

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If you work with sheet metal, you know that it can be tricky to join two pieces of metal together without the use of a welding machine. But did you know that thread-forming screws can help? Thread-forming screws are a great option for joining pieces of sheet metal and provide many benefits, from ease of installation to strength. Let’s take a look at how thread-forming screws can help your sheet metal projects.

Ease of Installation

Sheet metal thread-forming screws make installing sheet metal easier than ever before. They don’t require an extra pilot hole or tapping operation and they also create their own threads when inserted into the material, eliminating the need for tapping operations. This means that thread-forming screws are both fast and easy to install, saving time and money on your project.

High Strength Levels

Sheet metal thread-forming screws offer high levels of strength when used with sheet metal. The thread profile is designed specifically for materials such as steel, aluminum, brass, and other metals which have low shear strengths compared to other materials such as plastic or wood. As a result, thread-forming screws create strong joints in these materials which will not break down over time due to vibration or other environmental factors.

Precision Fitting

Using thread-forming screws for sheet metal makes it easier to achieve precise fits in sheet metal projects. The self-tapping design allows for precision measurements without having to worry about misalignments in the holes which can occur when pre-drilling them manually. This ensures that each joint is secure and fitted correctly every time.

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