Solid Reasons for Hiring a Skilled Child Custody Attorney in Chattanooga

by | Dec 13, 2019 | Divorce Lawyer

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When you and the other parent of your children decide to end your relationship, you both must come to terms with in what manner you will divide custody of them. Custody is one of the most contentious issues that parents undergo after a breakup. Both parents many times disagree on how child custody should be decided and with whom the children should live.

When you hire a child custody attorney in Chattanooga, TN parents in your situation have the best chances of getting a lawful custody arrangement finalized in writing. Your lawyer can advocate for you in court and make sure that the judge considers your arguments fairly.

Petitioning for Sole Custody

By retaining a child custody attorney Chattanooga TN clients like you can ask the court to award you sole custody. The lawyers at Teeter Law Office can present evidence on your behalf to show why the other parent may be unsafe to be around the children. They can also support your argument that it will be in the kids’ best interest to live with you permanently.

With their help, you can show the judge that the other parent could present a clear danger to the children. You could also ask the judge to give the other person supervised visitations.

Child Support

When you are awarded custody of the children, your next move involves filing for child support. The other parent by law must support the children until they turn 18. Your lawyer can petition for support payments for you.

You can contact Teeter Law Office online. Go to for details.

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